Hearing sounds
Future advancements may enable us to perceive sounds that are currently inaudible. Recent research suggests that stimulating the ear bones through vibration can create a direct pathway for sounds to reach the brain, potentially enhancing hearing capabilities.
Underwater hearing
Divers have enhanced hearing underwater. Scientists aren’t sure why but have speculated that it could be the result of sounds traveling directly through the bones to the brain.

Smartphone Users
High-frequency hearing loss is now more common in smartphone users with their dominant ear typically experiencing a significant loss over the ear they use less.
Babies and hearing
Sound moves at 1,130 feet per second. Newborns’ hearing is not fully developed, but they hear high-pitched voices best. The main reason for hearing loss is exposure to very loud sounds (85 decibels or more).

Smartphone use & tinnitus
Regularly using a mobile phone can also increase the risk for tinnitus. Recent research found tinnitus was 70% more likely in those who used their cell phone for an average of 10 minutes a day. Tinnitus is a constant ringing or buzzing in the ear that is not caused by external noise.
Dogs hearing range
Humans can hear sounds roughly 50-100 feet away. Alternatively, dogs possess exceptional hearing, able to detect sounds from 80 feet to a mile away, and even farther under optimal conditions. Their auditory abilities are at least four to five times more sensitive than those of humans.