Office Protocols
Patient safety is a top priority in our clinic, and like other health providers, we are very closely monitoring and adhering to public health advisories regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19).
We are open and providing service, with protocols in place to ensure a sterile environment. All equipment, seating areas, and other instrumentation will undergo hygienic preparation for every patient. Our stringent procedures have been heightened and we are strictly complying with infection control guidelines issued by regulatory authorities.
As part of a global effort and as guided by local authorities, we are implementing a screening system to help reduce risks. If you have traveled outside of Canada during the past 2 weeks, or suspect that you have been in contact with someone with an infection or other illness during this timeframe, please inform us PRIOR to your visit to our office. If you have experienced a fever, cough, flu, or flu-like symptoms, we kindly request that you reschedule your appointment. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation during these challenging times.